Colors have meaning in our lives and can mark special moments. For example, green refers to hope, yellow to money, red to love, and white is the universal symbol of peace. At the beginning of life, nothing is better than beautifying children’s rooms, right?
Amid so many colors, what would be the ideal choice to decorate a child’s room? A vibrant color or a delicate color? Want to make your child’s world even more fantastic? Below are tips for the use of shades in children’s rooms.
The neutral tones leave the room with a classic style. As the mix of colors is also on the rise, nothing prevents you from using light tones on the walls.
For furniture, choose colors that resemble your child’s favorite cartoon, for example. In this way, the child’s room will escape that formal tone characteristic of an adult’s room.
Color is paramount for decorating a room. But there are no rules on the ideal choice of shade by age or gender.
The important thing is that you put yourself in her shoes. What color would you choose if you were 5 or 10 years old? Which tone would make you more cheerful when looking at your room?
If you are in doubt, a good option is to let your child choose the color. He will love the idea of painting his own world.
The cool thing when choosing colors for a children’s room is that it is possible to play with all the shades available in a palette and gather the most diverse effects.
In the past, when thinking about decorating a room for boys, blue would soon come to mind and, for girls, pink. This trend has changed, and these shades are no longer favorites when the idea is to create a room with creativity.